AddressHealth provides healthcare facilities and periodic health check-ups for students in CBSE and ICSE schools. It has also developed a School Health Education Programme for students of classes I to VIII. It also provides mental health programs for the school children.
Founded in March 2010 with the vision of making pediatric primary care continuum possible, AddressHealth with its integrated child health clinics as a base, reaches out to schools, pre-schools and residential groups to address the health of 6 lakh children, by 2020.
Investment Rationale
A market based model for paediatric healthcare that also helps impart school children with the habits they should develop in order to stay healthy. It helps establish strong connect between learning outcomes, physical and emotional well being of children.
About Graymatterscap
Gray Matters Capital (GMC) is an Atlanta based impact investor with a gender lens that is on a mission to “Find a more purposeful life for 100 million women by 2036." Aligning with its mission is its strategy of making sector agnostic investments globally in for-profit enterprises whose products and services benefit women and girls at scale.
GMC sees education, primarily catering to under-resourced and low and middle income sections of the society, as a powerful tool to bring about gender equality and social equity. Over the past 12 years, it has focused on supporting the education ecosystem India by funding for-profit enterprises in the ‘learning to earning’ space, besides being pioneers in establishing the school finance industry catering to low cost private schools in India with Indian School Finance Company (ISFC); Pakistan with the set-up of Taleem Finance Company Ltd (TFCL), in addition to Nigeria (with EdFin Microfinance Bank).
GMC has till date funded over 80 enterprises across the world to the tune of US$ 125 million.
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